Temporary Galleries - V&A Museum Temporary Exhibitions

As well as bring lighting consultants to FuturePlan I, II and III, DHA Designs have lit many temporary exhibitions at the V&A.  Their first collaboration was in 2001 and they have lit over 30 exhibitions since. Working closely with both the in-house team and external exhibition designers, DHA Designs have contributed to some memorable exhibitions in all their temporary spaces including the main exhibition galleries; Porter Gallery and Fashion Court.

As well as Radical Fashion (2001) and Versace (2002), DHA have worked closely with the Fashion Dept on Club to Catwalk (2013) and the forthcoming Italian Fashion (2014).  Their work with the Theatre and Performance Dept includes two of the most visited V&A shows: Kylie (2007) and Hollywood Costume (2012).  More recent exhibitions include Treasures of the Royal Courts and Pearls (both 2013)


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Victoria & Albert Museum